Esports Collaboration:
Next Big Trend for Myanmar’s Emerging Digital Industry

#Esports is quickly becoming a respected industry in Myanmar’s path of #DigitalTransformation?Join us to hear about the hardware/software strengths of Taiwan’s esports ecosystem, and Myanmar’s market demand.Additionally, see where the #BusinessOpportunities lie ahead for your business with separate 1-on-1 matchmaking with our speakers later on!

We’d like to thank the speakers/panelists:

Ms. Grace Chen from the CTESA 中華民國電子競技運動協會

Mr. Cody Chen from 網銀國際 Wanin Games

Mr. Ken Wei from Digital Crafter

Mr. Hank Chou from

Mr. Jeffery Fu from MSI Gaming

Dr. Chih-Hsiung Liang from 龍華科技大學

Mr. Han Liu from 台北國際電玩展

for sharing their expert insight on Taiwan’s esports ecosystem, and the esports development in Myanmar.