【Speaker Highlight】FUNTEK Software Inc. | InfoComm Southeast Asia 2021 GoVirtual

FUNTEK Software Inc. has designed a “scan and chat” communication interface that also connects to payment, and the application has been launched in 24 countries.

樂堤科技(FUNTEK Software Inc.)打造設計創新的「隨掃即聊」通訊介面並串接金流,目前已前進24國市場。

Here is FUNTEK shares their business ideas and technological solutions and business models.

*Video quality may fluctuate speaker-to-speaker due to the internet connection, we appreciate your understanding.

The Taipei Computer Association (TCA) actively promotes the development of Taiwan’s ICT industry and establishes international connections. The Association has set up the Secretariat of the Global Smart Cities Alliance and an international collaboration center to facilitate the introduction of excellent solutions developed by domestic industry players overseas. The Associations invites 6 excellent members of GO SMART from Taiwan to participate in InfoComm SEA 2021.

台北市電腦公會積極推動臺灣資通訊產業發展並創造國際鏈結,不僅營運有全球智慧城市聯盟(GO SMART)秘書處,亦設置國際合作中心,即是為了將這些鏈結轉化為助力,推動我國優秀的解決方案輸出海外,因此也把握這次機會,邀請了六家優秀的GO SMART臺灣產業會員以及夥伴,共同在InfoComm SEA 2021中展出。 連線畫質將因各講者網路連線品質而有所不同,還請見諒。