由台北市電腦公會、國際商貿文化交流基金會共同主辦,經濟部國際貿易局支持的【數位經濟共榮時代 東協科技創新商機】線上展示媒合活動,將於5月5日(三)台北時間下午2:30舉行,誠摯地邀請您一起參與,了解來自泰國、馬來西亞及越南的科技創新團隊解決方案及商業模式,掌握與東協未來的合作的方向及創新合作商機。
ASEAN is the fifth largest economy in the world and has great potential for digital economy development. Google predicts that the output of ASEAN’s digital economy will reach 300 billion U.S. dollars by 2025 (three times of that in 2019). In the next 10 years, the urban population of ASEAN countries will increase by 90 million, and the numbers will continue to grow. ASEAN’s new business opportunities will be the main driving force for the future development of the digital economy in the region, and the market size will be multiples of Taiwan’s.
Sign up to hear about technological innovation team solutions and business models from Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Vietnam.
Join us on May 5th, 2:30pm (TPE/KUL/SIN) /1:30 PM (BKK/HAN) to be a part of the dialogue.
The forum will be conducted in English.
Register here: https://forms.gle/MKdJjZzhhj86qeP17