【活動影片回顧】Ms.Hong Sin Kwek, GRO (ACIOA) |
Smart Dialogue: ASEAN Smart Industry Outlook 2021

#SmartDialogue #FCCI

Here is the highlight reel of Ms. Hong Sin Kwek,

Global Relationship Officer, ACIOA – ASEAN Chief Information Officer Association

Check out her insights on the wonderful work done by ACIOA in ASEAN!

*Video quality may differ speaker-to-speaker due to internet connectivity issues,

we appreciate your understanding.

講者精華來聽聽東協資訊長協會全球關係專員 Ms. Hong Sin Kwek,針對ACIOA未來活動的分享吧!*連線畫質將因各講者網路連線品質而有所不同,還請見諒。