數位經濟共榮時代 東協科技創新商機


東協是世界第五大經濟體,#數位經濟發展潛力大 #科技創新模式 等您來挖掘!

【線上活動:數位經濟共榮時代 東協科技創新商機】



?|5月5日 14:30 臺北/吉隆坡/新加坡時間

      13:30 曼谷時間/河內時間|


Join us tomorrow for Smart Dialogue: ASEAN TECH INNOVATION Meet @ Taipei, sign up now!

We all known that ASEAN is the fifth-largest economy in the world,

let’s take a look of Asean #DigitalEconomy #Innovation

[Webinar Invitation] Smart Dialogue: ASEAN TECH INNOVATION Meet @ Taipei

Find out about technological innovation team solutions and business models from Thailand,

Malaysia, Singapore, and Vietnam.

?|May 5, 14:30 Taipei/Kuala Lumpur/Singapore time

     13:30 Bangkok/ Hanoi Time|

Webex Online Meeting Sign-up|https://reurl.cc/ynNeYD


The Smart Dialogue is organized by FCCI, TCA and supported by the BOFT

Join us tomorrow afternoon 2:30pm (TPE/KUL/SIN) /1:30 PM (BKK/HAN) 

The forum will be conducted in English.

Register here: https://forms.gle/MKdJjZzhhj86qeP17